Women's Leaders of Justice for Productive Families


Women's Leaders of Justice Center

A brief summary of the laboratories and exhibitions of the Women's Leaders of Justic Center for Productive Families (Raedat in Self-Sufficiency)

For the safe space on a permanent basis for rehabilitation, training and capacity-building with practical application and a mall to promote, market and sell families’ products, and obtain free integrated small projects that contribute to helping families achieve food security, economic empowerment and self-sufficiency.

It targets the most needy and the poorest, those who have lost their breadwinners as martyrs, prisoners, wounded or missing persons, as well as displaced women, people with special disabilities, orphanages, prison inmates, and chronic disease homes.
The laboratories and exhibition of the Raeda Al-Adala Center for Rights and Development were inaugurated in 2015 with a wide welcome from all segments of society. The center displayed more than 500 pieces and products for more than 300 productive families.

The idea of (Productive Families Mall):

The Mall of Productive Families is equipped with the latest equipment and accounting systems for sale in order to create a safe and permanent space to promote, market, sell and monitor the quality of all family products and in all fields. The mall contains the latest display equipment, and it also contains:

Clothes of all kinds. 2- Quilts of all kinds.
Bags of all kinds. 4- Perfumes and incense
Cosmetics . 6- The accessory is coming.

7- Detergents of all kinds. home recycling. 8- Handicrafts

Idea (laboratories and training center)

Raedat Laboratories A laboratory equipped with the latest sewing equipment and all laboratory needs. It is a rehabilitative training center to build the capabilities of families, follow up on the quality and cleaning of products before presenting them to the mall in the field of sewing, and through it, the producing families obtain certificates approved by the Ministry of Technical Education and Vocational Training to help them work in any field. Training center.
Many newspapers have published the news of the opening of a pioneering center and laboratories for training and rehabilitation, the most prominent of which was